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Romanian Survival Phrases. Season 2. Lesson 25 - Explaining Allergies in Romanian
Salut, and welcome to Romanian Survival Phrases, brought to you by RomanianPod101.com
This course is designed to equip you with the language skills and knowledge to enable you to get the most out of your visit to Romania. You'll be surprised at how far a little Romanian will go.
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Taking into consideration the fact that nowadays allergies are more common than ever, we decided to teach you how to explain your specific situation, just in case you’re one of many people who have to deal with the unpleasant fact of having an allergy.
In Romanian, “I’m allergic to this product” is:
Sunt alergic la acest produs.
Let’s break it down:
(slow) Sunt a-ler-gic la a-cest pro-dus.
Once more:
Sunt alergic la acest produs.
The first word, sunt, is a form of the verb that means “to be”.
(slow) Sunt.
The second word, alergic, means “allergic”.
(slow) A-ler-gic.
Next we have la, which means “at” and at the end we have the words acest produs, translated as “this product”.
Let’s hear the expression again:
Sunt alergic la acest produs.
If you have a gluten allergy, you can express this by saying:
Sunt alergic la gluten.
“I’m allergic to gluten.”
In this sentence you can probably guess which word means “gluten”. That is gluten.
Let’s hear that again:
(slow) Sunt a-ler-gic la glu-ten.
Sunt alergic la gluten.
Let’s try with the word for soy now. In Romanian, “soy” is soia.
“I’m allergic to soy” is Sunt alergic la soia.
Let’s hear it one more time slowly:
(slow)Sunt a-ler-gic la so-ia.
Sunt alergic la soia.
Okay, to close out this lesson, we'd like you to practice what you've just learned. I'll provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you're responsible for saying it aloud. You have a few seconds before I give you the answer, so mult noroc , which means "Good luck!" in Romanian.
“I’m allergic to this product.”
(3 sec)Sunt alergic la acest produs.
(slow) Sunt a-ler-gic la a-cest pro-dus.
Sunt alergic la acest produs.
“I’m allergic to gluten.”
(3 sec)Sunt alergic la gluten.
(slow) Sunt a-ler-gic la glu-ten.
Sunt alergic la gluten.
“I’m allergic to soy.”
(3 sec) Sunt alergic la soia.
(slow) Sunt a-ler-gic la so-ia.
Sunt alergic la soia.


All right, that's all for this lesson!
Remember to stop by RomanianPod101.com and pick up the accompanying PDF lesson notes.
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