Vocabulary (Review)

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Bună tuturor! Sunt Raluca. Hi everybody! I’m Raluca. Welcome to RomanianPod101.com’s Româna în 3 minute. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Romanian.
In the last lesson, you learned how to ask "What" in Romanian. This time, we are going to ask questions using the question word "Where?" which in Romanian is unde.
Imagine you want to ask where your friend is now on the phone. Do you know what to ask him? You learned it last time in lesson 12. (pause) Yes, you’ll ask him ¿Unde ești? This is the exact translation of "Where are you?"
[slowly] ¿Un-de ești?
So in Romanian, "Where" is translated as Unde.
For example, if you want to ask "Where do you live?" You will say ¿Unde locuiești?
As in English, the question word here is placed in the 1st position and then followed by the verb.
But be careful, because several variations of Unde are possible in Romanian. For example, if you want to ask "Where do you come from?" you will use de unde instead of just unde.
So that full question in Romanian is ¿De unde vii?
The word Unde is also used if you are asking about “to where” something goes. In this case you can use the question phrase până unde. It is often used when asking about the final stop of a train or a bus. For example, ¿Până unde merge trenul asta?, this literally means "Where is this train final destination?"
Another variation of unde you could use when you want to ask about a route is ¿Pe unde? For example, you can often hear ¿Pe unde mergi acasă? This literally means “Through where are you going home?” or “Which route are you going to take home?”
Let’s look back at all the ways to translate "Where" in Romanian.
- Unde is the basic "Where", as in Unde locuiești? meaning "Where do you live?"
- De unde is used to ask “from where?” as in De unde vii? meaning "Where do you come from?"
- Până unde is used to ask for the destination as in ¿Până unde merge? meaning "Where are you going to?"
- Pe unde is used to ask about routes, as in ¿Pe unde mergi? meaning “Where are you going through?”
Now it’s time for Raluca’s Insights.
Just like what happens with Ce, remember that Unde is used to ask but can also be used to answer. For example Eu știu unde este parcul. This means “I know where the park is”.
[L cu]
In this lesson, we learned how to correctly use the Romanian word for "Where", Unde, and also its different variations. Now you can avoid getting lost! In the next lesson we’ll learn more about asking questions, this time using "When" in Romanian. I’ll be waiting for you in the next Româna în 3 minute. Pe curând! See you soon!

