Sydney: Hi everyone, and welcome back to This is Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 17 - Seeing a Romanian Doctor. Sydney Here. |
Mihai: Bună. I'm Mihai. |
Sydney: In this lesson, you’ll learn about vocabulary for special groups of letters. The conversation takes place on an airplane. |
Mihai: It's between Professor Petrescu and a passenger. |
Sydney: The speakers are strangers; therefore, they will speak formal Romanian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation. |
Pasageră: Nu vă supărați, vă doare tare genunchiul? |
Profesor Petrescu: Da, am fost la schi și am făcut o entorsă la piciorul stâng, din păcate. |
Pasageră: Înțeleg. Întâmplător, eu sunt medic ortoped. Dacă vă pot ajuta cu ceva, măcar un analgezic pentru moment, să îmi spuneți. Am mereu la mine, pentru orice eventualitate. |
Profesor Petrescu: A, ce noroc. Păi, sincer, am ceva dubii cu privire la recomandarea medicului care m-a tratat. |
Pasageră: În ce sens? |
Profesor Petrescu: Mi-e teamă că problema e mai gravă decât mi-a spus. Au trecut șapte zile de la consult și îmi spusese că după cinci zile ar fi trebuit să treacă deja durerea. |
Pasageră: Păi, pentru asta cel mai bine o radiografie v-ar trebui. Ce medic ați consultat? |
Profesor Petrescu: Era de la o clinică privată a resortului de schi unde am fost, în Austria. |
Pasageră: Am înțeles. În acest caz, trebuie neapărat să mergeți întâi la medicul dumneavoastră de familie și să cereți o analiză aprofundată. Nu e de joacă cu astfel de incidente. Se poate agrava și apoi va fi mai dificilă recuperarea. |
Profesor Petrescu: Hm, aveți dreptate. Ați putea să îmi dați o carte de vizită? S-ar putea să vă contactez zilele următoare, dacă e posibil. |
Sydney: Listen to the conversation with the English translation. |
Passenger: Excuse me, does your knee hurt badly? |
Professor Petrescu: Yeah, I've been skiing and I've got a sprain on my left foot, unfortunately. |
Passenger: I see. By the way, I'm an orthopedic doctor. If I can help you with anything, or at least a painkiller for the moment, just tell me. I always have some with me, just in case. |
Professor Petrescu: Oh, what luck. Well, frankly, I have some doubts about the recommendation of the doctor who treated me. |
Passenger: What do you mean? |
Professor Petrescu: I'm afraid the problem is worse than she told me. It's been seven days since the consultation but she told me that after five days the pain should have ceased. |
Passenger: Well, that's why it's best for you to have a radiograph done. What doctor did you consult? |
Professor Petrescu: She was from a private clinic of the ski resort where I was, in Austria. |
Passenger: I understand. In that case, you must first go to your family doctor and ask for a thorough analysis. Do not joke around with such incidents. It may worsen and then it will be even more difficult to recover. |
Professor Petrescu: Hm, you're right. Could you give me a business card? I might contact you in the next few days if that is possible. |
Sydney: What can you tell us about the health care system in Romania, Mihai? |
Mihai: Like most other European countries, there is a universal healthcare system. |
Sydney: So, the healthcare system is the responsibility of the Romanian government? |
Mihai: That’s correct. However, until 2016 it wasn’t seen as a high priority. |
Sydney: What happened in 2016 to make that change? |
Mihai: The Romanian government system changed from a political one to a technocrat one. |
Sydney: So, the healthcare system received more attention and the public noticed the flaws more. |
Mihai: Right. Each Romanian citizen pays into the system through tax and commissions from wages. |
Sydney: Is there a private healthcare system too? |
Mihai: Yes there is. Some people choose to pay for that. |
Sydney: I guess everyone wants the best healthcare they can possibly receive. |
Mihai: That’s right. |
Sydney: Okay, now onto the vocab. |
Sydney: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is... |
Mihai: joacă [natural native speed] |
Sydney: play |
Mihai: joacă [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Mihai: joacă [natural native speed] |
Sydney: Next we have... |
Mihai: schi [natural native speed] |
Sydney: skiing |
Mihai: schi [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Mihai: schi [natural native speed] |
Sydney: Next we have... |
Mihai: analgezic [natural native speed] |
Sydney: painkiller |
Mihai: analgezic [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Mihai: analgezic [natural native speed] |
Sydney: Next we have... |
Mihai: dubiu [natural native speed] |
Sydney: doubt |
Mihai: dubiu [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Mihai: dubiu [natural native speed] |
Sydney: Next we have... |
Mihai: a trata [natural native speed] |
Sydney: to treat |
Mihai: a trata [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Mihai: a trata [natural native speed] |
Sydney: Next we have... |
Mihai: sincer [natural native speed] |
Sydney: frankly |
Mihai: sincer [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Mihai: sincer [natural native speed] |
Sydney: Next we have... |
Mihai: eventualitate [natural native speed] |
Sydney: eventuality |
Mihai: eventualitate [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Mihai: eventualitate [natural native speed] |
Sydney: Next we have... |
Mihai: aprofundat [natural native speed] |
Sydney: thorough |
Mihai: aprofundat [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Mihai: aprofundat [natural native speed] |
Sydney: Next we have... |
Mihai: a se agrava [natural native speed] |
Sydney: to worsen |
Mihai: a se agrava [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Mihai: a se agrava [natural native speed] |
Sydney: And last... |
Mihai: carte de vizită [natural native speed] |
Sydney: business card |
Mihai: carte de vizită [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Mihai: carte de vizită [natural native speed] |
Sydney: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is... |
Mihai: pentru orice eventualitate |
Sydney: meaning "just in case" |
Sydney: This is an expression. |
Mihai: The first word is pentru, and this is a preposition meaning "for." Next is orice, which is the prenominal adjective "any." The final word is eventualitate. |
Sydney: This is a feminine noun that means "eventuality." All together, it means "for any event" or "just in case." |
Mihai: You can use this to show that an action is made to prevent any events that can occur. |
Sydney: Can you give us an example using this expression? |
Mihai: Sure. For example, you can say... Ia, te rog, și două pulovere mai călduroase în bagaj, pentru orice eventualitate. |
Sydney: ...which means "Please take two warmer sweaters in your luggage, just in case." |
Sydney: Okay, what's the next word? |
Mihai: sincer |
Sydney: meaning "frankly," |
Sydney: This is an adverb. |
Mihai: It’s used as a figure of speech, and means "frankly." |
Sydney: You can use this to give emphasis to an opinion. |
Mihai: It’s used in colloquial speech. |
Sydney: Can you give us an example using this word? |
Mihai: Sure. For example, you can say... Sincer, nu știu ce să fac în situația asta delicată. |
Sydney: ... which means "Frankly, I do not know what to do in this delicate situation." |
Sydney: Okay, what's the next phrase? |
Mihai: a nu fi de joacă cu |
Sydney: meaning "do not joke with" |
Sydney: This is a verbal phrase. |
Mihai: First is a nu fi, meaning "to not be," the infinitive verb in its negative form. Next is the preposition de, which means "of." Then is joacă. |
Sydney: This means "play," and is a feminine singular noun. The last word is a preposition that means "with." |
Mihai: Yes, that’s cu. |
Sydney: You can use this phrase to show that a certain issue is a serious thing. |
Mihai: Again, this is used in colloquial speech. |
Sydney: Can you give us an example using this phrase? |
Mihai: Sure. For example, you can say... Nu e de joacă atunci când te-ai lovit la cap și ai amețeli. Trebuie să consulți un doctor imediat. |
Sydney: ... which means "Do not joke around with situations in which you hit your head and get dizzy. You should consult a doctor immediately." |
Sydney: Okay, now onto the lesson focus. |
Lesson focus
Sydney: In this lesson, you'll learn about vocabulary for special groups of letters. |
Sydney: What letters are we going to look at Mihai? |
Mihai: First, the letter c. The pronunciation of this changes, depending on the letter that follows. |
Sydney: Can you give us some examples? |
Mihai: Sure. Listen carefully, listeners. Che, ce, chi, ci. |
Sydney: Can you repeat those one more time? |
Mihai: Che, ce, chi, ci. |
Sydney: Let’s hear some sentences that have words using these letters. Each sentence has at least two examples, so see if you can hear them. |
Mihai: Vecinul meu și cu unchiu-meu sunt născuți în aceeași zi a anului. |
Sydney: "My neighbor and my uncle are born the same day of the year." |
Mihai: Maria nu știe să schieze deoarece nu a avut cine să o învețe când era mică. |
Sydney: "Maria does not know how to ski because there was no one to teach her when she was young." |
Mihai: L-am chemat să ne povestească ce s-a întâmplat de s-a certat așa de tare cu chelnerul. |
Sydney: "I called him to ask why he argued so much with the waiter." Now, let’s look at another batch of letters. |
Mihai: This time it is g. Again, please listen carefully. Ghe, ge, ghi, gi. |
Sydney: One more time please, Mihai? |
Mihai: Ghe, ge, ghi, gi. |
Sydney: Like we did with the last batch of letters, let’s hear some sentence examples. |
Mihai: Gheorghe a avut un mare ghinion iarna asta, și-a luxat genunchiul. |
Sydney: "Gheorghe had a lot of bad luck this winter, he dislocated his knee." |
Mihai: Gina Gogean este o campioană mai veche a lotului olimpic. Este una dintre stelele gimnasticii românești. |
Sydney: "Gina Gogean is an older champion of the Olympic team. She is one of the stars of Romanian gymnastics." |
Mihai: Gherghina este o floare care îi plăcea mult bunicii mele din Harghita. Dacă închid ochii îmi pot și acum imagina curtea ei frumoasă plină de flori și multă vegetație. |
Sydney: "Dahlia is a flower that my grandmother from Harghita liked a lot. If I close my eyes now, I can still imagine her beautiful courtyard full of flowers and a lot of vegetation." |
Sydney: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye! |
Mihai: La revedere. |