
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Dana: Hi everyone, and welcome back to RomanianPod101.com. This is Intermediate Season 1 - Lesson 13 Cooking in the Kitchen. Dana Here.
Mihai: Bună. I'm Mihai.
Dana: In this lesson, you’ll learn about compound prepositions. The conversation takes place in the kitchen.
Mihai: It's between Maria Mareș and Denisa.
Dana: The speakers are family members; therefore, they will speak informal Romanian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Denisa: Mamă, câte lingurițe de zahăr se adaugă la amestec?
Maria Mareș: Mai bine toarnă tot conținutul dintr-un pliculeț de zahăr vanilat.
Denisa: Bine. Găsesc pliculețele în sertarul de sub plită?
Maria Mareș: Da, asta dacă nu le-ai mutat tu printre pliculețele cu mirodenii ultima dată când am făcut clătite împreună.
Denisa: Hm, nu mai știu. Cred că le-am lăsat pe lângă zahărul brun totuși.
Maria Mareș: Ok. După ce găsești zahărul vino să mă ajuți să turnăm făina. O să începem cu câteva linguri presărate încet apoi punem mai mult.
Denisa: De-abia aștept să văd ce o să iasă. Tata o să vină într-o fugă aici când va simți mirosul de copt.
Maria Mareș: Da. Știi cât de mult îi place cozonacul!
Denisa: Pot să păstrez și pentru Mihai câteva felii? Va veni mâine pe la noi să facem temele împreună.
Maria Mareș: Da, sigur. Doar să îmi zici dinainte la ce oră ajunge ca să pregătesc sufrageria.
Dana: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Denisa: Mom, how many teaspoons of sugar are added to the mixture?
Maria Mareș: Better pour in all of the contents of a bag of vanilla sugar.
Denisa: Good. Do I find the bags in the drawer under the hob?
Maria Mareș: Yes, they should be there if you did not move them among the spices last time we made pancakes together.
Denisa: Hm, I do not remember. I think I left them with the brown sugar though.
Maria Mareș: Okay. Once you find the sugar, come and help me pour the flour. We'll start with a few spoonfuls, slowly sprinkled, and then add more.
Denisa: I am anxious to see what will come out of this. Dad's going to run here when he smells the baking.
Maria Mareș: Yes. You know how much he likes the sponge cake!
Denisa: Can I save some slices for Mihai too? Tomorrow he will come here to do our homework together.
Maria Mareș: Yeah sure. Just tell me what time he is coming, as I need to prepare the living room.
Dana: It seems Romanian people value their family and loved ones a lot.
Mihai: I agree. And you can see this during festivals in Romania. At a festival, you will be able to see all the family sit at the same table and spend time together.
Dana: Right, but it seems families are spending less time together these days.
Mihai: Yes, that’s true. Because of the harsh economic context that Romania is currently facing, both parents are required to work in order to support their families. In many cases, grandparents raise the kids while the parents are working.
Dana: But when they have time to spend together as a family, it seems they choose to do various family activities.
Mihai: Right. Hiking and sightseeing are other types of activities enjoyed by families together. When it comes to indoor activities, both children and parents enjoy playing board games together. They are not strangers to the "old generation" of games like Remi, Monopoly and classic card games.
Dana: That’s good to know. Okay, now onto the vocab.
Dana: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Mihai: linguriță [natural native speed]
Dana: teaspoon
Mihai: linguriță [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: linguriță [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have...
Mihai: temă [natural native speed]
Dana: homework
Mihai: temă [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: temă [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have...
Mihai: sertar [natural native speed]
Dana: drawer
Mihai: sertar [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: sertar [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have...
Mihai: plită [natural native speed]
Dana: hob
Mihai: plită [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: plită [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have...
Mihai: mirodenie [natural native speed]
Dana: spice
Mihai: mirodenie [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: mirodenie [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have...
Mihai: clătită [natural native speed]
Dana: pancake
Mihai: clătită [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: clătită [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have...
Mihai: a ieși [natural native speed]
Dana: to come out
Mihai: a ieși [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: a ieși [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have...
Mihai: copt [natural native speed]
Dana: baking
Mihai: copt [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: copt [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have...
Mihai: a păstra [natural native speed]
Dana: to keep
Mihai: a păstra [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: a păstra [natural native speed]
Dana: And last...
Mihai: dinainte [natural native speed]
Dana: beforehand
Mihai: dinainte [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: dinainte [natural native speed]
Dana: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is...
Mihai: a face temele
Dana: meaning "to do homework."
Mihai: This is a verbal phrase composed of the verb a face "to do" and the noun temă "homework" in feminine plural. It literally means "to do homework."
Dana: It is important to note the difference between using the same phrase with the noun in singular…
Mihai: tema
Dana: meaning "homework"
Mihai: or in plural temele
Dana: meaning "homework." In the first case, it is usually followed by an adjective defining what type of homework it is, for example…
Mihai: tema la matematică
Dana: "math homework.” When using the plural form, it refers to the overall activity of doing homework. Can you give us an example using this word?
Mihai: Sure. For example, Daniel își alocă în jur de două ore seara ca să își facă temele pentru a doua zi.
Dana: ...which means "Daniel allocates about two hours in the evening to do his homework for the next day."
Dana: Okay, what's the next phrase?
Mihai: ce o să iasă
Dana: meaning "what will come out"
Mihai: This phrase is composed of the indefinite pronoun ce "what" and the popular future form of the verb a ieşi "to come out" in third person singular. It literally means "what will come out."
Dana: You can use this phrase to express the uncertainty of an outcome for a specific action. For example…
Mihai: Nu știm ce o să iasă din toată treaba asta cu plecarea Marei din țară.
Dana: ... which means "We do not know what's going to come out of this whole thing with Mara's departure from the country."
Dana: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Dana: In this lesson, you'll learn about compound prepositions.
Mihai: First, let’s learn how to use compound prepositions with pe "on."
Dana: As with any preposition, a compound preposition is an inflexible part of speech expressing subordinating relations at the sentence level. It can precede nouns, pronouns, verbs or adverbs.
Mihai: Pe "on" usually forms compound prepositions as part of an adverb of place. For example, pe lângă
Dana: "alongside,"
Mihai: pe deasupra
Dana: "above,"
Mihai: pe sub
Dana: "under."
Mihai: It can also indicate time, for example…pe mâine
Dana: "tomorrow,"
Mihai: pe cinci ale lunii
Dana: "this month on the fifth."
Mihai: Next, let’s learn how to use compound prepositions with de "of"
Dana: This preposition can be used in different grammatical structures in order to express aspects. First, to express relations.
Mihai: sirop de zmeură
Dana: "raspberry syrup." Next, to express causality.
Mihai: de frică
Dana: "for fear of." Next, to express conditioning.
Mihai: cu condiția de
Dana: "with the condition to." You can use it with an infinitive verb. Next, to express exceptions.
Mihai: fără de
Dana: "without." Also, you can use it to express modality.
Mihai: în calitate de meaning "as," în proporție de meaning "at a rate of," or în stare de meaning "capable of."
Dana: You can also use it to express duration, purpose, and more. Make sure to check them in our lesson notes. And next, let’s learn how to use phrasal verbs with common prepositions. Phrasal verbs are groups of words including at least one verb with a fixed position that form an unique meaning.
Mihai: We have the most common phrasal verbs composed of a verb and a preposition. Let’s check them out one by one. First, we have cu meaning "with."
Dana: For example?
Mihai: a vorbi cu
Dana: "to speak with"
Mihai: a sta de vorbă cu
Dana: "to speak with."
Mihai: Next, the phrasal verbs with pe meaning "on."
Mihai: a striga pe
Dana: "to call someone"
Mihai: Next, the phrasal verbs with de meaning "of."
Mihai: a se apropia de
Dana: "to approach" as in "to approach the destination."
Mihai: Next, the phrasal verbs with prin meaning "by."
Mihai: a începe prin
Dana: "to begin by"
Mihai: Next, the phrasal verbs with în meaning "in."
Mihai: a se descompune în
Dana: "to be decomposed in"
Mihai: Next, the phrasal verbs with din meaning "from."
Mihai: a fi din
Dana: "to be from"
Mihai: Next, the phrasal verbs with ca meaning "as."
Mihai: a se face remarcat ca
Dana: "to be noted as"


Dana: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Mihai: La revedere.


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