
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Dana: Hi everyone, and welcome back to RomanianPod101.com. This is Beginner Season 1 Lesson 11 - Getting a Snack in Romania. Dana Here.
Mihai: Bună. I'm Mihai.
Dana: In this lesson, you’ll learn polite but direct requests. The conversation takes place at a fast food restaurant.
Mihai: It's between a salesperson and Masanobu.
Dana: The speakers are strangers in a customer service context; therefore, they will speak formal Romanian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Vânzătoare: Bună ziua. Ce doriți, domnule?
Masanobu: Un hamburger și o înghețată, vă rog.
Vânzătoare: Aici, sau la pachet?
Masanobu: Aici, vă rog.
Vânzătoare: Altceva nu doriți?
Masanobu: Nu, atât. Cât mă costă?
Vânzătoare: 10 (zece) lei.
Masanobu: Mulțumesc!
Vânzătoare: O zi plăcută!
Dana: Listen to the conversation one more time, slowly.
Vânzătoare: Bună ziua. Ce doriți, domnule?
Masanobu: Un hamburger și o înghețată, vă rog.
Vânzătoare: Aici, sau la pachet?
Masanobu: Aici, vă rog.
Vânzătoare: Altceva nu doriți?
Masanobu: Nu, atât. Cât mă costă?
Vânzătoare: 10 (zece) lei.
Masanobu: Mulțumesc!
Vânzătoare: O zi plăcută!
Dana: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Salesperson: Hello. What would you like, sir?
Masanobu: A hamburger and ice-cream, please.
Salesperson: Here, or to go?
Masanobu: Here, please.
Salesperson: Anything else, sir?
Masanobu: No, that's all. How much is that?
Salesperson: Ten lei.
Masanobu: Thank you!
Salesperson: Have a nice day!
Dana: What can you tell us about food customs in Romania?
Mihai: There is a great variety of dishes in Romania, as the food has been influenced by many other cultures and countries.
Dana: What are some common ingredients used in Romanian dishes?
Mihai: The most common ingredients are beef, lamb, pork, fish, vegetables, and fruits.
Dana: Sounds healthy. What about meals? How many meals do Romanian people eat each day?
Mihai: Three times a day, with dinner considered to be the most important.
Dana: Are meal times seen as social events? Do people eat in groups?
Mihai: Yes, Romanians either enjoy their meals with their families or invite their close friends to share food and spend time together.
Dana: Are special meals served during special occasions?
Mihai: Yeah, for example, at Christmas people eat pork meat cooked in various ways, and people eat lamb at Easter.
Dana: I’m going to guess that if you’re invited to a Romanian home for dinner, you’re going to be spoiled with choices.
Mihai: That’s right. Try to eat everything!
Dana: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Dana: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Mihai: domn [natural native speed]
Dana: sir
Mihai: domn[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: domn [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have..
Mihai: înghețată [natural native speed]
Dana: ice cream
Mihai: înghețată[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: înghețată [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have..
Mihai: la pachet [natural native speed]
Dana: to go
Mihai: la pachet[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: la pachet [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have..
Mihai: aici [natural native speed]
Dana: here
Mihai: aici[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: aici [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have..
Mihai: sau [natural native speed]
Dana: or
Mihai: sau[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: sau [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have..
Mihai: cât [natural native speed]
Dana: how much
Mihai: cât[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: cât [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have..
Mihai: a costa [natural native speed]
Dana: to cost
Mihai: a costa[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: a costa [natural native speed]
Dana: Next we have..
Mihai: plăcut [natural native speed]
Dana: pleasant
Mihai: plăcut[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: plăcut [natural native speed]
Dana: And lastly..
Mihai: altceva [natural native speed]
Dana: anything else
Mihai: altceva[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: altceva [natural native speed]
Dana: Let's have a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is..
Mihai: Altceva?
Dana: Meaning "Anything else?"
Mihai: This is an indefinite pronoun used in an interrogative sentence.
Dana: Here, it is in the accusative case. It literally translates to “something else.”
Mihai: But can be translated as “anything else?” if it’s a question.
Dana: This word is used to ask someone if they want something other than what has already been mentioned.
Mihai: It’s commonly used in customer service.
Dana: Can you give us an example using this word?
Mihai: Sure. For example, you can say.. Altceva ce ți-ai mai dori?
Dana: ..which means "Do you want anything else?"
Dana: Okay, what's the next word?
Mihai: Aici, sau la pachet?
Dana: Meaning "Here or to go?"
Dana: This is an interrogative sentence.
Mihai: First is the adverb of time, aici, meaning “here.” Then is the conjunction sau, meaning “or.” And finally, the expression la pachet.
Dana: Which means “to go.”
Mihai: pachet is a neuter noun that means “package.”
Dana: So this sentence is literally saying “Here, or to package?” Or a better way of putting it is “Here or to go?”
Mihai: This is a common expression in restaurants, especially fast-food places.
Dana: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Mihai: Sure. For example you can imagine a situation where the client says: Bună ziua. Aș dori o pizza quatro fromaggi, vă rog!
Dana: Meaning “I want a quatro fromaggi pizza, please!”
Mihai: And the salesperson replies: Aici, sau la pachet?
Dana: .. which means “Here or to go?"
Dana: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Dana: In this lesson, you'll learn about polite but direct requests.
Dana: First let’s look at “to want.”
Mihai: In Romanian, this is a vrea. You can also use this as an auxiliary verb for creating the conditional-optative mode in the present tense for other verbs.
Dana: It can be used to create several nuances in phrases, such as formulating a specific wish.
Mihai: For example Vreau o cafea cu lapte.
Dana: “I want a coffee with milk.” You can also form interrogative sentences with it.
Mihai: Ce vrei să faci după ce termini studiile?
Dana: “What do you want to do after graduating?” It can also be used in speech to introduce the topic of discourse.
Mihai: Aș vrea să vă spun ceva despre Mihai.
Dana: “I would like to tell you something about Mihai.” A conjugation chart for this verb is in the lesson notes. Now let’s look at another word for “to want.”
Mihai: Yes, a dori. Again this can be used in several different phrases.
Dana: Yes, it can be used to formulate a specific wish.
Mihai: For example, Ei doresc plăcintă de mere cu scorțișoară.
Dana: “They want apple pie with cinnamon.” It can also be used to greet someone.
Mihai: Vă doresc multă sănătate și bucurii.
Dana: “I wish you strong health and joy.” It can be used for forming interrogative sentences.
Mihai: Doriți să jucați o partidă de șah cu noi?
Dana: “Do you wish to play chess with us?” It can be used to introduce a topic of discourse.
Mihai: Aș dori să vă povestesc puțin despre România.
Dana: “I would like to tell you a little about Romania.” It can express time availability.
Mihai: Se poate oricând doriți.
Dana: “Anytime you want.” You can express professional objectives.
Mihai: Doresc să lucrez ca asistent manager în compania dumneavoastră.
Dana: “I want to work as a manager’s assistant in your company.” And it can also express something desirable or undesirable.
Mihai: E de dorit să nu conduci multe ore fără pauză.
Dana: “It is desirable not to drive many hours without a break.” Again, a breakdown of the conjugations is in the lesson notes. How do we know which of these two verbs to use?
Mihai: They are generally synonymous. There are many situations where they are interchangeable.
Dana: But there are situations where they aren’t?
Mihai: Right. Usually, a dori is used in more formal situations when formulating a request, while a vrea is used in more informal contexts.
Dana: Thanks for that!


Dana: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Mihai: La revedere.

