
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Asia: Hi everyone, and welcome back to RomanianPod101.com. This is Absolute Beginner Season 1 Lesson 7 - Talking About Your Day in Romanian. Asia Here.
Mihai: Bună. I'm Mihai.
Asia: In this lesson, you’ll learn about verbs in Romanian.
Mihai: The conversation takes place in a classroom.
Asia: Masanobu is speaking to his classmates; therefore, he will speak informal Romanian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Masanobu: Bună, clasă. Ce fac eu într-o zi obișnuită din viața mea?
Masanobu: Mă trezesc la șase dimineața dar reușesc mereu să întârzii.
Masanobu: După ce mă trezesc fac duș și apoi mănânc micul dejun.
Masanobu: La ora opt plec la muncă. Iar la douăsprezece după-amiaza mănânc prânzul.
Masanobu: La șapte seara ajung acasă și iau cina pe la opt.
Masanobu: La opt și jumătate fac baie.
Masanobu: De la nouă mă uit la televizor și apoi navighez pe internet.
Masanobu: La douăsprezece mă culc. Ah, dar nu e fiecare zi la fel.
Asia: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Masanobu: Bună, clasă. Ce fac eu într-o zi obișnuită din viața mea?
Masanobu: Mă trezesc la șase dimineața dar reușesc mereu să întârzii.
Masanobu: După ce mă trezesc fac duș și apoi mănânc micul dejun.
Masanobu: La ora opt plec la muncă. Iar la douăsprezece după-amiaza mănânc prânzul.
Masanobu: La șapte seara ajung acasă și iau cina pe la opt.
Masanobu: La opt și jumătate fac baie.
Masanobu: De la nouă mă uit la televizor și apoi navighez pe internet.
Masanobu: La douăsprezece mă culc. Ah, dar nu e fiecare zi la fel.
Asia: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Masanobu: Hi, class. What do I do in a normal day of my life?
Masanobu: I wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning but always manage to be late.
Masanobu: After I wake up, I take a shower and then I eat breakfast.
Masanobu: At 8 o'clock, I go to work. And at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, I have lunch.
Masanobu: At 7 o'clock in the evening, I get back home and have dinner at 8 o'clock.
Masanobu: At 8:30, I take a bath.
Masanobu: From 9 o'clock, I watch the tv and then surf the internet.
Masanobu: I go to bed at 12 o'clock. Oh, but not everyday is the same.
Asia: Masanobu presented his daily schedule to his classmates. It seemed pretty normal.
Mihai: Yes, it was.
Asia: What’s daily life like in Romania?
Mihai: There’s no standard schedule for work, but service-based industries generally start around 7am.
Asia: You mean places like grocery stalls and malls? That’s early!
Mihai: I guess so! But that doesn’t mean that work comes first in Romania.
Asia: Family life comes first?
Mihai: Yes, the work-life balance is important. Families usually eat lunch together around 3pm.
Asia: 3pm for lunch? So what time is dinner?
Mihai: It can be as late as 9pm.
Asia: That really is late!
Mihai: Yes, but that’s not the case for people who work a 9 to 5 office job. In that case, families often eat lunch apart and then eat dinner together at an earlier time.
Asia: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Asia: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Mihai: a (se) trezi [natural native speed]
Asia: to wake up
Mihai: a (se) trezi[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: a (se) trezi [natural native speed]
Asia: Next we have...
Mihai: dimineață [natural native speed]
Asia: morning
Mihai: dimineață[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: dimineață [natural native speed]
Asia: Next we have...
Mihai: a face [natural native speed]
Asia: to do; to make
Mihai: a face[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: a face [natural native speed]
Asia: Next we have...
Mihai: a pleca [natural native speed]
Asia: to leave
Mihai: a pleca[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: a pleca [natural native speed]
Asia: Next we have...
Mihai: devreme [natural native speed]
Asia: early
Mihai: devreme[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: devreme [natural native speed]
Asia: Next we have...
Mihai: după-amiază [natural native speed]
Asia: afternoon
Mihai: după-amiază[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: după-amiază [natural native speed]
Asia: Next we have...
Mihai: a ajunge [natural native speed]
Asia: to arrive
Mihai: a ajunge[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: a ajunge [natural native speed]
Asia: Next we have...
Mihai: a mânca [natural native speed]
Asia: to eat
Mihai: a mânca[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: a mânca [natural native speed]
Asia: Next we have...
Mihai: a lua [natural native speed]
Asia: to take
Mihai: a lua[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: a lua [natural native speed]
Asia: And last...
Mihai: seară [natural native speed]
Asia: evening
Mihai: seară[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Mihai: seară [natural native speed]
Asia: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is...
Mihai: a lua cina
Asia: meaning "to have dinner." What can you tell us about this phrase?
Mihai: A lua is the Romanian verb "to take" in its infinitive form.
Asia: And what’s the final word?
Mihai: That’s cina, meaning “the dinner.”
Asia: So it’s literally “to take the dinner.”
Mihai: This expression sounds formal, so in informal situations you should say a mânca de seară.
Asia: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Mihai: Sure. For example, you can say, Luăm cina în oraș mâine seară.
Asia: ...which means "Tomorrow evening we're having dinner downtown."
Asia: Okay, what's the next word?
Mihai: la fel
Asia: meaning "the same." What can you tell us about this phrase?
Mihai: This is an idiom. La means “to,” and fel is the noun “kind.”
Asia: As a set phrase, it means “the same.”
Mihai: You can use it whenever you want to talk about two objects or concepts that are the same.
Asia: Can you use it to say something is “identical?”
Mihai: No, in that case, you use the loanword identic.
Asia: Can you give us an example using this word?
Mihai: Sure. For example, you can say, Anotimpurile din România nu sunt la fel ca în Statele Unite.
Asia: ...which means "Seasons in Romania are not the same as in the United States."
Asia: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Asia: In this lesson, you'll learn about verbs in Romanian.
Asia: We’ve touched on a couple of verbs so far, but we haven’t spoken about them at length yet.
Mihai: There are a few irregular verbs, but most verbs are split into four conjugation groups.
Asia: The groups are called one, two, three and four. That’s nice and simple! Let’s look at one example from each group in turn. We’ll start, of course, with group one.
Mihai: The verb a exersa means “to practice.”
Asia: How do we say “I practice” and “we practice?”
Mihai: eu exersez and noi exersăm. For the other conjugations, please check the lesson notes!
Asia: How about group two?
Mihai: a vedea is “to see.”
Asia: Again, what is “I see” and “we see?”
Mihai: eu văd and noi vedem.
Asia: Now, group three.
Mihai: a face is “to do” or “to make.”
Asia: What is “I do, I make” and “we do, we make?”
Mihai: eu fac and noi facem.
Asia: And finally, group four.
Mihai: a numi is “to name.”
Asia: And, “I name” and “we name”?
Mihai: eu numesc and noi numim.
Asia: These verbs are all in the present simple tense.
Mihai: Romanian doesn’t have a present continuous tense, so there is no “I am working.” We use this present simple tense instead.
Asia: What about those irregular verbs you spoke about earlier?
Mihai: An example is a mânca, meaning “to eat.”
Asia: So, how do we say “I eat” and “we eat”?
Mihai: eu mănânc and noi mâncăm.
Asia: There are many more examples with different verbs and conjugations in the lesson notes, so make sure to check it out!


Asia: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Mihai: La revedere.

