Becky: Hi everyone, and welcome back to This is Absolute Beginner Season 1 Lesson 24 - Free Romanian Medical Advice is the Best Kind! Becky here. |
Mihai: Bună. I'm Mihai. |
Becky: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to explain your physical condition. The conversation takes place at a hospital. |
Mihai: It's between Masanobu and Mihai. |
Becky: The speakers are friends; therefore, they’ll speak informal Romanian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation. |
Masanobu: Ce noroc că ești doctor! |
Mihai: Cum te simți? |
Masanobu: Mă doare capul și am febră. |
Mihai: Atât? |
Masanobu: Da. |
Mihai: E răceală. Îți dau o aspirină. |
Becky: Listen to the conversation one time slowly. |
Masanobu: Ce noroc că ești doctor! |
Mihai: Cum te simți? |
Masanobu: Mă doare capul și am febră. |
Mihai: Atât? |
Masanobu: Da. |
Mihai: E răceală. Îți dau o aspirină. |
Becky: Listen to the conversation with the English translation. |
Masanobu: I'm so lucky that you're a doctor. |
Mihai: How do you feel? |
Masanobu: My head hurts and I have a fever. |
Mihai: Is that all? |
Masanobu: Yes. |
Mihai: It's a cold. I'm giving you an aspirin. |
Becky: Masanobu is lucky he knows a doctor. |
Mihai: And luckily it wasn’t anything serious. He was able to deal with it very quickly. |
Becky: Yes, it was a really quick diagnosis! |
Mihai: Romanians make for some very good doctors. |
Becky: Is that right? |
Mihai: Yes. So much so that many Romanian doctors leave the country for better paid careers abroad. |
Becky: What are Romanian hospitals like? |
Mihai: Most are state run. They have good staff, but due to low funding private clinics are cleaner and offer more services. |
Becky: But they’re more expensive, right? |
Mihai: Of course. There’s a weird Romanian superstition that I want to tell you about that involves the body. |
Becky: Oh, what is it? |
Mihai: They say that if your right palm itches, you’ll receive money. But if your left palm itches, you’ll be paying money out. |
Becky: Hopefully we won’t be paying any money out! Okay, now onto the vocab. |
Becky: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is... |
Mihai: noroc [natural native speed] |
Becky: luck |
Mihai: noroc [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Mihai: noroc [natural native speed] |
Becky: Next we have... |
Mihai: a se simți [natural native speed] |
Becky: to feel |
(as a general state) |
Mihai: a se simți [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Mihai: a se simți [natural native speed] |
Becky: Next we have... |
Mihai: a durea [natural native speed] |
Becky: to hurt, to ache |
Mihai: a durea [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Mihai: a durea [natural native speed] |
Becky: Next we have... |
Mihai: febră [natural native speed] |
Becky: fever |
Mihai: febră [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Mihai: febră [natural native speed] |
Becky: Next we have... |
Mihai: atât [natural native speed] |
Becky: so much |
Mihai: atât [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Mihai: atât [natural native speed] |
Becky: Next we have... |
Mihai: răceală [natural native speed] |
Becky: cold |
Mihai: răceală [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Mihai: răceală [natural native speed] |
Becky: And last... |
Mihai: aspirină [natural native speed] |
Becky: aspirin |
Mihai: aspirină [slowly - broken down by syllable] |
Mihai: aspirină [natural native speed] |
Becky: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is... |
Mihai: Mă simt... |
Becky: meaning "I feel..." What can you tell us about this expression, Mihai? |
Mihai: Mă is a personal pronoun meaning "myself" in accusative case. Simt is the first person singular of a simți. |
Becky: This means “to feel.” |
Mihai: You can use this verb to talk about your own physical or emotional state. |
Becky: Can this be used in both informal and formal language? |
Mihai: Yes, it can. |
Becky: Can you give us an example using this phrase? |
Mihai: Sure. For example, you can say, Acum mă simt foarte bine. |
Becky: ...which means "I feel very good now." |
Becky: Okay, what's the next word? |
Mihai: Atât. |
Becky: meaning "That's all." This word is an adverb. |
Mihai: It means "this much" or "that much" or even "so much,” but it’s often used as “that’s all.” |
Becky: You can use it to say that something is enough. |
Mihai: Yes, the literal translation is “there is no more to it.” |
Becky: When can you use this word? |
Mihai: You can use it in formal situations, and it also sounds fine in more casual scenarios. |
Becky: Can you give us an example using this word? |
Mihai: Sure. For example, you can say, Atât, nu mai cumpăr nimic. |
Becky: ...which means "That's all, I'm not buying anything else." |
Becky: Okay, now onto the lesson focus. |
Lesson focus
Becky: In this lesson, you'll learn about explaining your physical condition. |
Becky: If we’re going to do that, then we need to know some words for parts of the body. |
Mihai: Yes, we do! Cap is a neuter noun meaning “head.” Față is a feminine noun meaning “face.” |
Becky: What are “eyes” and “ears?” |
Mihai: ochi and urechi, respectively. Ochi is masculine, and urechi is masculine. |
Becky: There’s a list of more parts of the body in the lesson notes, so let’s just go over one more. What’s “mouth?” |
Mihai: The feminine gură. |
Becky: Okay, now that we know some parts of the body, how do we talk about our physical state? |
Mihai: We can go through a few phrases. All of these will be in first person singular present tense. First, is sunt obosit. |
Becky: “I’m tired.” |
Mihai: mă doare |
Becky: “It hurts.” |
Mihai: am febră |
Becky: “I have a fever.” |
Mihai: îmi este frig |
Becky: “I’m cold.” |
Mihai: îmi este cald |
Becky: “I’m hot.” |
Mihai: îmi este greață |
Becky: “I feel nauseated.” |
Mihai: mă simt amețit |
Becky: ”I feel dizzy.” We also might need to describe an injury we have. |
Mihai: To do this, you can use m-am lovit la and a body part. |
Becky: This would be the same as saying “I hit my…” |
Mihai: For example, M-am lovit la cap. |
Becky: “I hit my head.” |
Mihai: M-am lovit la picior. |
Becky: “I hit my leg.” |
Mihai: M-am lovit la față. |
Becky: “I hit my face.” |
Becky: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye! |
Mihai: La revedere. |