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How to Celebrate Bukovina Day in Romania

On Bukovina Day, Romanians commemorate the joining of Bukovina to Romania in 1918. Bukovina is considered a significant city within the country, and has quite a history. In this article, you’ll learn a little bit about that history, as well as how this acquisition is celebrated in Romania today. In learning about this momentous occasion in Romanian history, you’ll be gaining much insight into the overall culture of the country and see it through a clearer lens. At RomanianPod101.com, we hope to make every aspect of your language-learning journey both fun and informative! Let’s get started. 1. What is Bukovina Day in Romania? Bukovina is an important city within the country, and is divided into Northern and Southern... Show more

The Best Romanian TV Series of All Time

Imagine you could speak Romanian well, right now. Then imagine you were suddenly in Romania, surrounded by Romanian friends on a night out. Do you think you’d be able to keep up, linguistically speaking? Probably yes. But culturally is another matter. Romanian people talk about Romanian things—and when you learn Romanian from half a world away, you’ll do well to learn about some of those Romanian things yourself (like Romanian TV series). Now, let’s not pretend that Romanians don’t enjoy American and British entertainment as well. They totally do. However, any conversation that doesn’t brush against something popular that’s unique to one’s own culture is a pretty boring conversation to have. There is, of course, a way to... Show more