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Archive for the 'Romanian Phrases' Category

The Romanian Calendar: Talking About Dates in Romanian

Did you know there are many different types of calendars? As you probably know - a calendar is a system of organizing days in weeks and months for specific purposes, according to Wikipedia. Worldwide, most countries use the Gregorian calendar. Some just work on the same framework, meaning that time is divided into units based on the earth's movement around the sun - the "solar calendar". Other calendars keep time by observing the moon's movements, a combination of the moon and the sun's movements, and seasons. Through RomanianPod101, you can learn all about this and so much more! Our themed, culturally relevant lessons are skillfully designed so you can do your planning perfectly for a holiday or a date. Having a good plan for a visit... Show more

Romanian Family Traditions and Terms

To some people, family means no one gets left behind. To others, it just means tasty food. Learning to talk about and understand the different words for family members in other languages can seem like a daunting task. There’s, what, a dozen words you’ve got to learn all at once? Two dozen? But here’s why it’s worth it to learn about Romanian family traditions and terms in your Romanian studies. Speaking clearly and correctly about a topic so integral to a culture like family is an important challenge to overcome. There are few things so closely tied to one’s identity as one’s family – just imagine the kind of gut reaction you would have if your sister called you "mom!" In this article, you’ll learn how to say "family" in Romanian,... Show more

RomanianPod101’s Essential Romanian Travel Phrase Guide

Traveling to foreign countries is nearly always an exciting, enriching, and beneficial experience. Yet, some things can be real downers, such as boredom on a lengthy flight to . Really, binge-watching onboard movies can only be interesting for so long! And jet lag - another huge downer. Did you know that jet lag is more severe when you travel from the West to the East? Well, we won't know how to beat that, but there are fortunately plenty of remedies around to investigate. To beat flight boredom, though, we may have the answer for you at RomanianPod101! Why don't you take the time to study Romanian travel phrases? We make this super easy and fun, with great downloadables, like our PDF Cheat Sheets. Quickly memorize these, and impress... Show more

How to Celebrate Bukovina Day in Romania

On Bukovina Day, Romanians commemorate the joining of Bukovina to Romania in 1918. Bukovina is considered a significant city within the country, and has quite a history. In this article, you’ll learn a little bit about that history, as well as how this acquisition is celebrated in Romania today. In learning about this momentous occasion in Romanian history, you’ll be gaining much insight into the overall culture of the country and see it through a clearer lens. At RomanianPod101.com, we hope to make every aspect of your language-learning journey both fun and informative! Let’s get started. 1. What is Bukovina Day in Romania? Bukovina is an important city within the country, and is divided into Northern and Southern... Show more

Ultimate Guide to Romanian Numbers: Phone Numbers and More

It’s a numbers game out there. No matter what you say in Romanian, sooner or later you’re going to run into a handful of Romanian numbers. Phone numbers, prices, ages… How are you going to react? Are you going to freeze up and sheepishly say the number in English with a Romanian accent? (I’ve seen it happen!) Or are you going to smoothly and serenely rattle off a tongue twister like șapte sute douăzeci și cinci (seven-hundred and twenty-five)? It sounds beautiful—and in this article, we’ll break down how these numbers are formed and how you can use them correctly every single time. Table of Contents How Romanian Got its Numbers The Cardinal Numbers The Ordinal Numbers Phone Numbers Conclusion: How... Show more

How to Say Sorry in Romanian

Learn how to apologize in Romanian - fast and accurately! RomanianPod101 makes it easy for you to make amends. Start with a bonus, and download your FREE cheat sheet - How to Improve Your Romanian Skills! (Logged-In Member Only) Table of Contents Common Ways to Say Sorry in Romanian How To Refuse Something Politely in Romanian Audio Lesson - Survival Phrases "How to Say Sorry" Why You Will NOT Be Sorry For Learning Romanian through RomanianPod101 1. Common Ways to Say Sorry in Romanian Nobody’s perfect, not anywhere in the world. Everybody makes mistakes, and does and says regrettable things. Then it’s time to apologize, as saying ‘I’m sorry’ is not in vain. It can be very healing! Did you know that hearing a... Show more

Sound Like a Local with our Romanian Slang Dictionary

Is it really possible to effectively study slang? The very idea of sitting down and studying what the kids are saying nowadays can sound like a cringeworthy exercise in futility, especially when internet slang in Romanian dictionary settings comes to mind. I remember finding some ESL textbooks abroad that had awful, made-up text abbreviations that were definitely out-of-date before the ink hit the paper. But the thing is, our Romanian slang dictionary isn’t a textbook. And when you head into the comment sections of Romanian videos or articles, you’ll see words all over the place that aren’t to be found in any copy of Easy Romanian in a Week. So what I’m writing here about Romanian slang in texting and online is what’s... Show more

July 29: National Anthem Day in Romania

A country’s national anthem is more than lyrics and spirited music. From an anthem’s conception, it becomes a part of history and culture, set to the beat of its people’s hearts in unity. An anthem accompanies a country through its changes, its wars, its times of peace, its victories, and its defeats. It reflects the philosophy and mindset of its writers and composers, and rings true in the ears of the entire country. Romania’s National Anthem is no different, and each year the Romanian people commemorate this anthem and the events surrounding it on its National Anthem Day. Learn more about the creation of the Romanian National Anthem and its holiday with RomanianPod101.com! We hope to make this learning journey both fun and... Show more

A Night at Home with the Top Romanian Movies

Quick, name five Romanian films. Okay, fine, name two. Can you even name one? That’s a shame. Especially if you’re studying Romanian! It’s true that American and British culture have kind of overshadowed Romanian culture, even inside Romania. Most Romanians would have a much easier time naming American films, at the very least. However, Romanian movies are not only a great window into the Romanian cultural consciousness, they’re also a great way to learn Romanian! In this list, we’ve got ten great Romanian movies that represent totally different aspects of Romanian society. And none of them are strange art-house pieces that you won’t be able to find information on. Instead, these are the best Romanian movies to watch for... Show more

The Best Romanian TV Series of All Time

Imagine you could speak Romanian well, right now. Then imagine you were suddenly in Romania, surrounded by Romanian friends on a night out. Do you think you’d be able to keep up, linguistically speaking? Probably yes. But culturally is another matter. Romanian people talk about Romanian things—and when you learn Romanian from half a world away, you’ll do well to learn about some of those Romanian things yourself (like Romanian TV series). Now, let’s not pretend that Romanians don’t enjoy American and British entertainment as well. They totally do. However, any conversation that doesn’t brush against something popular that’s unique to one’s own culture is a pretty boring conversation to have. There is, of course, a way to... Show more