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Archive for the 'Romanian Grammar' Category

Is it Hard to Learn Romanian?

The Romanian language never makes it onto the lists of the world’s easiest languages. Instead, it’s treated as a curiosity because of its rather different grammatical features compared to other languages in the same family. After all, it’s certainly rather different from Spanish and Portuguese! As an English-speaker, you might be wondering: "Is it hard to learn Romanian?"  While aspects of the language may be difficult when you first start out, think of the possibilities that open up if you do learn it. Romania offers more adventure to some people than the more frequently visited countries in Western Europe. It’s a great destination, and since you’ll get Moldovan basically for free, learning Romanian opens a good number of doors. ... Show more

The Common Mistakes in Romanian Every Learner Needs to Avoid

Would you call yourself a perfectionist? Language-learning doesn’t really suit itself to perfectionism. Languages change in so many ways all the time, and there’s really no way to define "perfect" speech. On the flip side, though, you do have to pay attention to some rules in order to avoid the most common mistakes Romanian-learners make. Trying to come up with Romanian—written or spoken—without being aware of the rules of the language is a surefire way to ingrain bad habits and make your communication with natives less effective. In this article, you’ll see an overview of the classic learner mistakes in Romanian, as well as what you can do to stay far away from them. Table of Contents Make the Right Sounds ... Show more

Your Guide to Basic Romanian Questions and Answers

There’s a shortcut to Romanian fluency. Well, not really. But there’s a great framework that can get you having comfortable conversations very quickly. You see, people tend to have the same conversations with language-learners over and over. You introduce yourself, say where you’re from, and then probably ask why they’re learning that particular language. And questions, naturally, are a big part of that. The whole conversation is a big back-and-forth of questions and answers. If you want to get yourself speaking automatically in conversations, then you should take a look at the most common Romanian questions and answers. You’ll impress your conversation partner, and with that comes great motivation to keep pushing yourself to... Show more

Why Study Romanian Sentence Structure and Patterns?

Human beings are excellent at noticing patterns. Have you ever seen shapes in the clouds, or noticed "faces" in electrical sockets? That’s your subconscious pattern-matching system working around the clock. That said, if you went and looked at some text in, say, Waray-Waray (a language of the Philippines), you’d probably give up trying to understand it after a short while. In Romanian, though, you start noticing patterns. For example, you may see words that look an awful lot like words in English (or other European languages you might be familiar with). That effect becomes ten times more powerful when you can compare each Romanian sentence structure and pattern to an English translation. You start to quickly see where the... Show more

Astound Your Romanian Friends With 100 Romanian Adverbs

Are you the type to show off? Maybe you met someone who went to Europe for a trip and you casually ask them, “Did you learn much of the local language?” This is really just an excuse for you to show off your Romanian skills. That’s fine. We get it. There’s always a danger, though, that that person happens to have Romanian grandparents or experience living in a Romanian-speaking environment through an internship or similar. If you want to impress, you need to bring your A-game. And that means using the correct and accurate adverb in Romanian for whatever you need to describe, providing flavor in just the right place. Table of Contents Adverbs In Degrees Telling The Truth and Making Predictions Adverbs of Location ... Show more

A Quick and Easy Guide to Romanian Verb Conjugation

Romanian verb conjugations are way, way easier than they might appear to be. That's good, too—because they look pretty bad! If you want to learn to speak good Romanian, you definitely can't ignore the conjugations. English doesn't have a lot of conjugations, but you still notice the mistake if someone says "He go to the library." Multiply that by the numerous Romanian conjugations, and it can seem, at first glance, like the language is a minefield just waiting to trip you up.In reality, though, you just need to learn a couple of key patterns. Quite a few of the conjugations are rarely used these days, and in casual conversations, you'll hear the same conjugations over and over again. Table of Contents What Do You Need to... Show more

The Top 100 Romanian Verbs You Need to Know

A sentence without a verb is like a bird without a nest. It wants to fly around and express itself, but without a foundation to rely upon, it's limited. How's your knowledge of Romanian verbs? We understand—the grammar is no joke. You don't really want to learn verbs when you could be enjoying Romanian TV shows and music. But if you never end up paying attention to Romanian verbs, you'll find yourself lost for words all the time. Advanced learners need to learn the grammatical nuances, as well as just the plain old nuances of the lexicon itself. Beginner learners need to nail down a foundation of basic words for everyday use.Enough chit-chat. In this article, you’re going to learn 100 Romanian verbs, every one of them shown... Show more

Ultimate Guide to Cracking the Cipher of Romanian Pronouns

Romanian has a lot of personal pronouns. Significantly more, in fact, than other related languages in Europe. Nobody knows who came up with this system, but it's not going away anytime soon. Are you ready to rise to the challenge? You should be, because although the Romanian pronoun system is complex, native speakers use it without thinking. If it was too unwieldy, it would have been pared down and simplified over time. We'll be here to guide you as well. We’ll provide a couple of tricks and links that you might not find in other resources.And besides, it's not like you can just ignore this. You already know quite a bit of it from just a few simple introductory phrases! Pronouns are so integral to the Romanian language that... Show more

Don’t be Late to Learn about Telling Time in Romanian

The number-one piece of advice most people have for those considering a trip to Romania is to learn some of the language. Check that one off the list. You're already interested in Romanian, we know that. But here's our number-one piece of advice for learning Romanian for travel: Learn about the time in Romanian. Learning some numbers in Romanian, and the dates, is a great accomplishment, but they only get you so far. Time covers all kinds of situations at once: bus schedules, airport departures, check-in times...everything you're likely to do as a tourist! This article won't stop there, either. This is your one-stop solution to learning everything you need to know about time in Romanian, from stopping someone on the street... Show more

Learn One Hundred Romanian Nouns in Twenty Minutes

If you’ve got no nouns, you’ve got problems. Circumlocution is an important skill, but when it comes down to it, it’s really hard to do with certain things. Try describing your head or your manager without knowing those words, and you’ll see just what a challenge you’ve jumped into. This article is here to help. No fluff, just vocab—one hundred of the Romanian nouns you need most. Read through this article just one time and see how much you can pick up! Table of Contents Time The Body The Family Working Life School Days At the Restaurant Food and Drink Mealtimes Transportation Technology Around the Home Conclusion 1. Time If you haven’t learned the right... Show more